Monday, September 22, 2014

After School Clubs

Smart with Art
Spanish - Monday and Thursday afternoons and Wednesday mornings too!
Running Club
Play with Purpose
Kids Yoga
TechSmartKids - 3 Sessions Wednesday and 2 on Thursday
Tiny Treks
Intermediate Choir - Grades 3-5
Musical Minds (Keyboarding)
Badminton Club
Homework Club
Math Club
Sign up today! You may register for all of our classes now by following the registration links on the After-School Enrichment Page of the PTA website.
Fall classes will start the week of September 29th and will run through the week of December 15th. There will be no classes the week of October 13th and November 24th, additionally there will be Tuesday class on November 11 (Veteran's Day).

Come learn more about after-school classes at our vendor fair this Thursday, Sept. 25 at the Ice Cream Social.

Please let me know if your child is participating in a club, so I can be sure that they remember to go after school on their day. 

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